Monday, March 14, 2005

And the verdict is . . .

They say that when a sermon looses its sense of tension, people stop listening. Perhaps it's the same for a blog? When there is nothing more to anticipate, you'll stop reading? Well, we did go for a scan and the doctor did say he reckon's its a . . . . boy! I know, I know. We have all heard the stories of those who were told what it was going to be, and then painted the room blue only to be greeted in the delivery room with a serious lack of male-ness. With this in mind, we are not picking our curtins quite yet, but the scan was pretty convincing. Looking at a cross section from the waist down (as to not confuse the cord) there were three distinct appendages. Two legs and what could only be describes as some very manly tackle.

While some want the surprise, we are happy to share this news around. But the card we are holding close to our chest is a name. But this is no reason why we can't get some suggestions. And as this blog is really only accessed by those across the oceans - spur us on with some good Aussie options. (Or for that matter British or Afrikaans ones, although no guarentee all suggestions will be taken equally). And remember what they say- there are no bad ideas. Which was, of course, a saying coined by a complete moron. Some ideas are just inherently bad. "What do you say we try walking across the middle of Australia?" Burke and Wills. " But I digress. If you have any suggestions, let us know. But remember the rules. Let's stay away from names that rhyme with any body part or rude word, and we are staying away from anything starting with 't'. The initials 'tt' don't sound to hot either.



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