Wednesday, March 16, 2005

It's all about doing your bit

I was at the shops the other day and was overwhelmed by the number of naughty kids I wanted to smack. As far as I was concerned, their behaviour in Pick and Pay surely broke some United Nations law concerning the basic human right to enjoy shopping in peace. (Of course, that would never be my kid, and of course, my scale of naughtiness should obviously be adopted by all).

But I did have a few suggestions to right this wrong. Why not have a system whereby for R10 you could be given a yellow bib (a bit like the one the parking guards wear) which would give you the right to move throughout the shop and discipline toddlers at will? I think there would be many good citizens who would jump at this opportunity. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has been burnt by this. The added bonus is that this revenue raiser could go towards keeping the cost of groceries down.

Why don't we take it a step further? If we are talking about a valuable public service, lets get the prisoners who are out on parol and help their rehabilitation by getting them into to work parties that encourage parents and children alike to tow the line of common decency. I imagine there is nothing like a roving gang of ex cons to whip these disturbers of the peace into place.

It's funny how these ideas only come to you when your realise that you will soon be contributing to the problem yourself. Being the law abiding person I am I am thankful for these moments when I feel as if I can give something back. It's all about doing your bit.



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