Sunday, July 31, 2005


Senior youth is in full swing, at the moment we're singing. But I've dashed down to my office to post a quick congrats.

Andrew and Liz - well done on Jamiee! Mind you, it was Liz that did most of the work, but Reesy, your a good man. It's a great thing (I'm discovering) to celebrate the birth of a baby to parents who are real disciples of Jesus. Love to be there with you now, but we'll have to wait till December for that. Not long now. Hope the early weeks are good ones.

Singing has stopped, so I gotta go


PS: 3 weeks to go . . .

Monday, July 25, 2005

Baby Shower number . . . ?

We have been looked after so well. It's not baby shower season, it's baby tsunami. Yesterday, Hayley's mum, her relo's and friends gave her another baby shower. I dropped Hayley off at her mum's place and saw Leighton sitting in his room, half dressed as a wallaby, half as a springbok with a big nappy on. He was the half time show. I was invited to stay. I played the dirty dog and left Leights to his fate alone. Sorry mate!

But it was another great afternoon, I came at the end to make an appearence and eat the food, something I AM qualified for. Fortuantely someone got our camera and took some pics. (There should be more here, I'll try and get the rest on soon).

The clock is ticking.


Leights was acting up a storm . . .  Posted by Picasa

And the mastermind behind the whole affair . . .  Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 18, 2005

Far Out . . .

Just checking in, and you might be impressed to know;

The blue cupboards have new knobs, the baby bench is whitewashed, the walls are yellow, the hospital pj's are brought, and there are five weeks to go.

Five weeks.

Far out.


Wednesday, July 13, 2005

It seems that I have discovered something else I have inherited from my mum. I haven't had a chance to tell her yet but I think I have been passed down her dizzy spells. It's weird. Yesterday saw me out for the count because I was sick and dizzy and generally experience high levels of unhappiness. The doc called it a transitent episode of labarythtitis. I know it sounds made up but apparently it's the real deal.

Anyway, the upshot of all of this was that I missed the scan yesterday. So Hayley headed off by herself like a little trooper. The latest update is that he is still a little bit smaller than average but, wait for it, . . . He has really long legs. This identikit is getting weirder and weirder. I just hope this doesn't include labarythtitis.


Monday, July 11, 2005

Blog Poetry

The cupboards are blue
at last
Weekends tick by but the cupboards are blue
at last.

But the naked walls cry out for paint.
Damm you walls

Hayley is sore
she can't sleep
I rub her back
my fingers get sore
she can't sleep
I fall asleep

But the cupboards are blue at last.
