Thursday, December 29, 2005

Ben meets Christmas

Here are some snaps from Christmas - Ben's first.

Ben's first Christmas present

Uncle Craig

Great Grandma

And finally . . . Nan and Grandad

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

A word From Ben

Ben writes:

"I slept hard and long on the flight over to Sydney, as is my custom every time I shut my eyes. I was feeling a bit crappy for the first 2 days but now I'm full yinto the sydbey thing. Nan and Grandad are pretty cool and I think I'll be spending the night with them more this week as mum and dad are hitting the town. It's damm hot here so I've been getting around in just my nappy. It's a good opportunity to show off my bod. Yesterday mum and dad took my for a swim in the neighbours pool which was a hoot! I've been posing for some photos since I got here, I'll get dad to put them on the blog soon

Peace out!"


Saturday, December 17, 2005


Some updated shots of Benny. Probably the last until we go Sydney side. Enjoy

Bible Story on Crossword

The joy of wearing pants on your head.


Twice the love

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Camp'n Benny!

We went camping.
And Ben came along.
He loved it.
And we had a pretty darn good time too.
I figure any baby that can sleep from 7pm to 7am in a tent and can cope with being bathed in the hand basin of a disabled toilet should be able to tackle a flight to Sydney.
