Next Monday we find out if baby number 2 is a boy or a girl. We know what we want, but what do you think? Is Tubman 'The Sequel' going to be a boy or a girl? Cast your vote now and all will be revealed on Tuesday! Scott
Friday night saw an ironic reversal of roles.Julie and Terence brougth little Noah Jeremaih over for us to babysit!(Noah is a little guy that was remove from his 16yr old street mum for saftely reasons and is under the loving care of Julie as an emergency place of safety).Ben thought he was pretty cool, and was suitably curious and gentle, which is a great sign for August.
At least at this stage he is sticking to Dad's shoes, not mum's heels.Scott
Uber Cute
You've heard the phrase, "He's 21 going on 45!"Normally, not a good thing.But every now and then when your little kid does something that makes him all grown up it is uber cute.When Ben watches his DVD's now he will crawl up on the couch, lean up on the pillows and let out a tired sigh. He cracks me up.