It is finished
Our last antinatal class was last night. So that's it, we're done. Fortunately I now know how to breast feed. Phew. That's a load off my mind. Scott
Getting Ready? I'm already there! How did that happen?
Our last antinatal class was last night. So that's it, we're done. Fortunately I now know how to breast feed. Phew. That's a load off my mind. Scott
Lots of pictures on the blog lately, but not too much info. And since the idea is not only to be an update for you, but also a record for my boy during the 9 months he is on the inside, a moment to touch base could be in order. (By the way I stole this idea of my brother.)
What I'm reading
I've just finished 2 books. Fatherhood by Tony Payne, a easy read, but a really solid manhood, fatherhood type book. The other was the Rhinemann Exchange by Robert Ludlum. A top WW2 Nazi spy novel. Finished it at midnight last night.
What I'm listening too.
A bit of a trip down memory lane with Cake and the Presidents of the United States. Last week was a week I needed the President's frenzy and the driving bass of Cake. But as I type this, it's Van Morrison.
What's out my window
Steady cold windy rain in the St James carpark and a homeless guy going thru the bins.
Most recent movie
Couple of nights ago we got out Finding Neverland. A bit slow in parts but well worth it. It mastered the sad but satisfying ending.
The next big challenge
Many. Writing a Synod report for Youth stuff in the Cape, writing a sermon on Ps 105 for a preaching group, trying to get my arse into gear to read the bible with a guy here at church, getting back into running after a 3 week break, continung to be a servant while loosing the snotty self righteous attitude.
Current thoughts on Baby Tub's
Pumped, egar, a bit nervous. The realisation that these are the last 2 months without kids . . . ever . . . not sure what to do with that.
"Studies indicate that there are critical periods, windows of opportunity that nature flings open, starting from before birth and then slams shut one by one, with every additional candle on the child's birthday cake."
Last night we went out and saw some videos. There was pop corn and drinks but no Tom Cruise or Natalie Portman. Instead we had mostly naked women pushing out babies. Yup, it was movie night at antinatal classes. For those who have been there before, it's probably nothing new. But for the uninitiaed (like myself) it was quite something. I can produly say I was not grossed out nor did I feel sick. In fact the Tubmans felt so at home, we made short work of the popcorn to the dispair of the other couples in our class. (Hey, you snooze, you loose). And to keep us watching, Jill (our instructor) had a mix of videos from the UK, USA, SA and France (the french women actually pulled her own baby out - very euro). Overall, it actually did help us in terms of getting ready, and helped put everything in perspective. In case your wondering, I don't think we will be filming Tubman Jnr, you'll just have to wait for the blog. By the way, next Tuesday, we will invite our class mates to our evangelsitic service at St James, so shoot up a prayer for us and them and we'll let you know how it goes. Scott |