Baby UV swim suit - R35
Full tank fo petrol for a trip to the beach - R200
Having your kid scream his lungs out as soon as his feet touch the icy water - Priceless
Getting Ready? I'm already there! How did that happen?
If you walk a mile in another man's shoes, you'll probably get athlete's foot. But take a picture of your baby in the bathroom, well now, that is really something.
In just a few hours we’re packing up and heading off to Hermanus for a planning retreat for 2006. It should be lots of fun. Also, Ben’s first trip away from home. I think we have it all under control, although it does feel like we are mobilizing the 4th fleet. Hope there is some room left in the car for us. But when we’re back I should have some nice photo’s – maybe even a few Jesse and Ben shots. So all you crazed photo junkies can get your fill. Till then,
Starting high school The first kiss 21st birthday First trip overseas All milestones. Markers in life that let you know your not vegetating. Well, today Ben applied for his passport. At 7 weeks. Kids these days. His passport photo also includes 2 of my fingers because he can't hold his own head up quite yet. I'm not sure how useful that photo is going to be in a few years time when he doesn't look like a baby any more. Anyway, in 8 weeks we'll see the finished product and in 12 weeks he'll be using it as he goes through customs to visit Nan, Grandad, Uncle Craig and Great Grandma. There's a lot on the cards between now and then but I say let it fly. I can already hear that question that haunts my dreams, a tantalizing invitation to bigger things . . . "Beef or chicken?" Scott |