Monday, October 31, 2005


Baby Sunscreen - R65

Baby UV swim suit - R35

Full tank fo petrol for a trip to the beach - R200

Having your kid scream his lungs out as soon as his feet touch the icy water - Priceless


Baby Sunscreen - R65

Friday, October 28, 2005

Alison and Daniel

A few Blogs have mentioned our friends from antinaal classes, Alison and Jacques. I think we can dispense with the "from anti natal class" bit now and just stick with "friends".

Anyway, Alison popped round the other day with her little guy, Daniel who is about a month older than Ben.

It was some good times although I didn't think the two kids realise that they have more in common with each other than they do with the big people. Still, it'll grow on them.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Sometimes life is all about perspective. Ever eaten your dinner on top of your cupboard? Ever looked at a tree by laying at its base? Sometimes a change of perspective can make all the difference.

So to answer your question, "Is that a toilet in the background?" Yes it is. Why did I take a picture of Ben in the bathroom? I have no idea. But it got your attention and got you thinking.

If you walk a mile in another man's shoes, you'll probably get athlete's foot. But take a picture of your baby in the bathroom, well now, that is really something.


Friday, October 21, 2005

Lesson for life: What you really think you want is usually just out of reach.

Friday, October 14, 2005

'Tickle Me Benny'

Kerry, Jesse and Ben

Monday, October 10, 2005

Tripp'n Out

In just a few hours we’re packing up and heading off to Hermanus for a planning retreat for 2006. It should be lots of fun. Also, Ben’s first trip away from home. I think we have it all under control, although it does feel like we are mobilizing the 4th fleet. Hope there is some room left in the car for us. But when we’re back I should have some nice photo’s – maybe even a few Jesse and Ben shots. So all you crazed photo junkies can get your fill. Till then,


Friday, October 07, 2005

False Alarm

Well, not long after I posted the last blog we had another milestone. Ben's first trip to the doctors. I'm not talking for an offical check up or seeing the doctor who brought him into the world, but an appointment in his name with the family doc.

As it turns out it was a false alarm. He hadn't been feeding real well and was seriously sleepy. But what grabbed our attention was the contents of the nappy. Let's just say it had all the hallmarks of a vegie shake - watery and green. But good old Dr Proudfoot (I know he sounds like a hobbit, but he's not, really!) was great. Didn't make us feel stupid and helped us understand what was going on. So it wasn't a wasted visit after all.

He's all smiles this morning (Ben that is, not Dr Proudfoot) so I think we're all good.


Thursday, October 06, 2005


Starting high school

The first kiss

21st birthday

First trip overseas

All milestones. Markers in life that let you know your not vegetating. Well, today Ben applied for his passport. At 7 weeks. Kids these days. His passport photo also includes 2 of my fingers because he can't hold his own head up quite yet. I'm not sure how useful that photo is going to be in a few years time when he doesn't look like a baby any more. Anyway, in 8 weeks we'll see the finished product and in 12 weeks he'll be using it as he goes through customs to visit Nan, Grandad, Uncle Craig and Great Grandma. There's a lot on the cards between now and then but I say let it fly. I can already hear that question that haunts my dreams, a tantalizing invitation to bigger things . . . "Beef or chicken?"


Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Snooze Time Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 03, 2005

The Fam Posted by Picasa