Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Wagon Boy

He staggers down the hall way like an overcaffinated frankenstein.
Little legs jerking forward, bum sticking out with a determiend yet excited look on his face. He is free of mum and dad but not yet free of his wagon.
It must be a truly weird experience for him, and it won't be long now until you read a post entitled - "He walks!"

But for now we're pretty excited anyway . . .


Thursday, September 21, 2006

Monday, September 18, 2006

Could be worse

Ben's due for another hair cut. I kind of like it at the moment because he is getting little curls and pointy bits that make him a throwback to Astro Boy. But the highlight of his do at the moment is the mullet. Yup, that's right, it's here already. I kind of like it on the little guy, even took a pic of it but Hayley didn't want me to blog it as it would be the same as mocking my son on the world wide web. Hadn't quite thought of it like that, but hey, mum knows best.

Still it could be worse . . .

Friday, September 15, 2006


We thought Ben was getting mossie bites. Or maybe ants. Or maybe even spiders.

But it was none of the above.

It was hives.

I don't actually know what hives are except that they look a bit like this. Apparently they are an allergic reaction to something.

(For those of you well aquainted with the Tubman boys, you'll be glad to know that we have been steering well away from peanuts)

The good news is a quick trip to the doc and he is right as rain. But the poor kid looked, well, diseased. Good news is, all better now.


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The pen is mightier than the wallet

I've been published four times. Don't worry, it's not as good as it sounds.

The first time was in the History Teachers Association mag (the article I wrote was ripped off some extra study papers Mrs Davis, my year 12 ancient history tacher, gave me).

The second was in one of Ken's books.

The third was in a booklet a minister in J'burg put together on evangelism (The article was published under the name 'Stuart Tubman' ???!!!)

The fourth was the one that really paid off. Hayley got me to write something for a baby magazine about being a Dad. (I think if you go back to one of the first posts on this blog, you'll find it there). For a long time - nothing. Then a phone call saying they would use it. Much later . . .they deliver a cool all terrian 3 wheel Jeep pram and a camp cot. Not sure what it's like where you are at, but over here, these things are big bucks.



Monday, September 04, 2006

Dirt is good

Hayley took Ben over to a friends house this morning and they played in the sand pit and covered themselves with pinky purple icing. What more could you ask for? It inspired us to work out fun ways for Ben to get dirty. any suggestions - we're pretty excited about it!
