Monkey see, Monkey do
Ben imitates just about everything we do. From how we sweep the floor, to how we brush our teeth, how I water the garden and the frustrated noises we make when something doesn't go our way. So I guess that when he saw me take off my boots after cutting the grass the other day, it was a no brainer for him. It has made me realise that rasing a kid - at least in the early years - is all about making good behaviour caught just as much as it is taught. It has also reminded me of 1 John 3. 'How great is the love the Father has lavished upon us that we should be called the children of God! And that is what we are! . . . We know that when He appears we shall be like Him, for we shall see him as He is.' (v1-2) To imitate our heavenly Father by walking with Jesus is what it is all about. So while I hope that Ben can catch some of the good things from his earthly Dad, I pray that he will also become more like His heavenly Father too. Scott
A Noble Wife
I'm not sure if Proverbs 31 (The Wife of Noble Character) speaks about giving kids hair cuts, but maybe it should. Nevertheless I did find a few words from that chapter that is a fitting caption for this picture: 'Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.' (Pr 31:28-29) Scott
PS: It's good to see my surplus is being put to good use . . . Don't tell the bishop . . .
Don't let the video collection fool you - they are all ex rentals for like R20 each. Ben has a few DVD's buried in there somewhere - the latest is Thomas the Tank engine. He can't get enough of that crazy train. But I think part of the joy of the whole experience is 'making his choice'. So very grown up.
The Tubman Beanie - It's a guy thing
Prayer and a 22 month old boy
Ben loves to pray.
He does it all the time. He folds his hands together and bows his head and makes some noise that I guess is a word and repeats it until we pray together. Hayley and I were reflecting on this the other day. The classic thing parents do is to credit their kids with way more than is reasonable. I'm away of that, I really am. But nevertheless, I beleive the following to be true.
Ben kows that when we pray we are talking to someone who is not there. He thinks this is important. He wants to speak to this person regularly (he will never let us forget before meals or bed)But he also wants to speak to this person spontaneously. He will often come running from his play room wanting us to pray with him and then just as suddenly, appear satisfied, and disappear once more.I don't know what you make of all that but we are very thankful for it.Scott